
Heaven's Kaleidoscope

"It pleased me to imagine a presence above us, in continual motion, like liquid stars."
"Lying deep within myself, the symmetry of a snowflake spinning above me, intensifying through my lids, I seized a most worthy souvenir, a shard of heaven's kaleidoscope."
- Patti Smith from the book Just Kids

This quote served as part of the inspiration for this shoot. Channa has this beautiful sheet of fabric that is see through at some angles and glimmers and shines bright pinks and blues and purples when light hits it at certain angles. I've never seen anything like it before. Ever since the first time I laid eyes on it and I wanted to shoot with it, and I finally got to. I also shot a few polaroids but haven't gotten to the lab to scan them yet so they will come later.



film post

I took a walk around the city by myself and found a Buddhist monastery and a park on top of a hill that looked over the whole city. 



Press play:

The first three shots are inspired by Drive and the music of Kavinsky, specifically the song Nightcall.
This is the first time I've shot since Monday and it felt so damn good. The whole week I kept feeling like I wanted to shoot but wasn't being inspired at all so last night I randomly shot with Katie and it was so relieving.


The rest of these are just some experiments.
Reflection and diffusion of light mostly.

Thank you Katie for modeling.


Santa Cruz film

I went to Santa Cruz this weekend and hiked and hiked and hiked and it was amazing and liberating. It really made me think about where I am, where I'm going to school, my priorities and my life direction. Being in a city is nice but it's not what I want, it's not where I thrive in the way I want to. Anyway, here are pictures from my time there. 

I shot a bunch of digital but none of it compares at all to the film I shot. Maybe I'll upload the digital sometime but right now it's not how I felt or what I love about this adventure.